Origin of the Surname
Johnston is a surname of Scottish origin that found its way to Ireland during the Plantation of Ulster, a period of colonization in the early 17th century.
Etymology and Meaning
The surname Johnston is derived from “John’s town” or “John’s settlement.” This was a popular naming convention during the Middle Ages, where a place would often be named after its original owner or founder.
Earliest Known Usage
The earliest known usage of the Johnston surname dates back to the 12th century in Scotland. Johnstons were noted to be amongst the settlers during the Plantation of Ulster in Ireland.
Geographic Distribution
Originally, the Johnston family held their family seat in Annandale, Scotland. However, as they migrated to Ireland during the Plantation of Ulster, the name became well established in northern parts of Ireland, particularly in counties Donegal and Fermanagh.
Original Geographic Location
The original geographic location of the Johnston family was in Scotland, particularly in the area known as Annandale in Dumfries.
Migration Patterns
The Johnstons, originally from Scotland, were among the many families that migrated to Ireland during the 17th-century Plantation of Ulster. In the subsequent centuries, many Johnstons emigrated to North America, Australia, and New Zealand due to economic difficulties and famines.
Historical Context
Notable Historical Events
Johnstons were involved in several notable historical events, including the Border Wars between Scotland and England during the 13th to 16th centuries.
Involvement in Key Moments in History
During the Plantation of Ulster, the Johnstons were significant settlers, shaping the demographic and cultural landscape of the region. They also played parts in key moments of American and Australian history as settlers and influential figures.
Notable Bearers of the Surname
Famous Individuals
Famous individuals with the Johnston surname include Joe Johnston, an American film director known for “Jumanji” and “Captain America: The First Avenger,” and Jennifer Johnston, an award-winning Irish novelist.
Influential Figures
Influential figures bearing the Johnston surname include Sir Harry Johnston, a British explorer known for his expeditions in Africa, and George Johnston, a Lieutenant Governor of New South Wales, Australia.
Variations of the Surname
Spelling Variations
There are several spelling variations of the Johnston surname, including Johnson, Johnstone, Jonston, and Jonstone.
Regional Differences
While “Johnston” is more commonly used in Ireland and Scotland, the variant “Johnson” is prevalent in England and the United States.
Current Statistics and Distribution
Frequency and Global Distribution
Today, the Johnston surname is most common in the United States, followed by the United Kingdom and Canada. In Ireland, the surname is particularly prevalent in Northern Ireland.
Changes Over Time
The distribution of the Johnston surname has broadened over time due to historical events such as the Plantation of Ulster and the Great Famine, which led to global migration.
Family Coat of Arms

The Johnston family crest is a distinguished and symbolically rich heraldic emblem that reflects the family’s values, history, and identity. The crest features a white or silver background, known as argent in heraldry, which traditionally symbolizes purity, innocence, peace, and sincerity. This choice of background sets a noble and virtuous tone for the crest, emphasizing the family’s commitment to these ideals.
Central to the crest is a black saltire, also known as a St. Andrew’s cross. In heraldry, the color black, or sable, often represents constancy, wisdom, and sometimes grief, suggesting the family’s enduring nature and resilience. The saltire itself is a heraldic symbol of resolution, and being in the form of St. Andrew’s cross, it may also indicate Scottish connections, reflecting the family’s likely ties to Scottish heritage and their steadfast resolve in adversity.
Across the top of the crest runs a red band, known as a chief in heraldry, which traditionally symbolizes warrior qualities such as bravery and strength. The color red, or gules, enhances these attributes, suggesting the Johnston family’s readiness to face challenges and their courageous spirit.
Adorning the red band are three gold cushions. Cushions in heraldry are unusual but signify authority and status, often linked to legal or judicial power. The gold color, or or, represents generosity, wisdom, and high ideals, adding a regal and noble aspect to the cushions. These elements together highlight the family’s elevated status and their benevolent leadership roles within their community.
Together, the elements of the Johnston family crest — the white/silver field, black saltire, red band with gold cushions — create a powerful visual narrative. This narrative highlights a legacy characterized by purity, resolve, bravery, and noble authority, portraying a proud and enduring family heritage.
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