In the lead up to World War 2, the Irish Defense Forces set up a series of lookout posts called the ‘Coast Watching Service’. 83 of these posts were placed along the coast every 5-15 miles and local volunteers called Coastwatchers kept an eye out.
Coast Watchers used work in 8-12 hour shifts, in pairs. One person would man the telephone and the other would walk outside. They kept a log of activity in the air and at sea. These records are held by the Irish Military Archives.
J.J. Doherty, P. Gallagher.
O. Bonner, P.W. Coll, B. Doherty, H. Doherty, J. Doherty, M. Douglas, F. Friel, J. Herrighty, C. Kelly, J. Kelly, P. Kelly, J. Lafferty, W. Logue, M. McAteer, P. McKinley.

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